To all the Single Ladies… and of course Gentlemen (Part 2)



I was told to set my standards high and stick to them, but when I was younger and told people what my list was for my future husband, I was informed it was too high that no man could meet it. I wrongly decided to listen to them and dropped my standard. I let their words scare me thinking I would never find someone so I wanted to make sure that anyone could meet the standard. Never once did I think that maybe I should stop looking at my list and start looking at God’s. I never thought that He had a better list for me and if I would just open my ears I could hear what He had to say. I never thought that maybe my list had some things on it that my future husband might not have and that I’ve got to garbage that list and search with my heart and my spirit instead of my eyes. God knows the perfect person for me. To me though, that man may not look perfect, but in God’s eyes he will be perfect for me. I simply need to start looking through God’s eyes.

I have to stop hunting. It’s not who gets the biggest game that wins. I’ve got to put down my man hunting spear and tell God it’s up to you. Tell him I’m letting go. My hands are no longer on that list and whatever He puts in front of me I will take, because it is from Him and that man will be perfect for me. I have to remember that God’s very capable. If He can save me from sin by sending His own son to die on the cross for me then picking out a man will be like creating another Adam. It will be simple. He will speak and it will be done.

So instead of focusing on who the next one could be, I should be focusing on me. If I want to have a healthy relationship than my relationship with God has got to be healthy first. If I am not willing to build my relationship with God, then how am I supposed to build my relationship with another flawed human like myself. In order to build that relationship with God I’ve got to learn to pray every day, read the Bible every day, and go to church. Then God will bring someone who is also going to do the same. He will bring someone who prays every day, reads the Bible every day, and goes to church. He will bring someone who will build my relationship with God instead of distracting me from it. So now all I have to do is let God choose. Stop looking around. The hardest thing in the world (to me) is being patient.

The next hardest thing is being able to know who is the one. You need to be ready for the love that God has prepared for you and to discern if he or she is the one that God has prepared for you. To do that you have to be in balance. This means reading and praying. You can’t choose to pray or to read the Bible and still be in balance with God, that’s not how it works. If you are out of balance you will not be able to hear God’s voice or feel God when he tells you, “that one over there”. Without reading the scripture you have no idea what you’re praying for and if you are not praying then you are not communicating with God and he cannot communicate back.

Dating is very similar. If you’re not well learned and aren’t talking then you are about to jump off a cliff and most likely die, because you didn’t know how to communicate and you didn’t know what you were saying. You need to make your number one priority reading the scriptures and praying, then you can form a healthy relationship with God that will go beyond your imagination and can later be applied to your life.

Please continue to part 3 😊

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